What is the exquisite corpse?
The concept comes from a Surrealist parlor game in which a group of artists complete a drawing in sections with each artist having almost no idea what the other artists have contributed.
How exactly is it going to work with video?
In this case, each artist will submit a film short. They will be given the material to remix on a “grabbag DVD,” as well as a mandatory first and last video clip to end on, and a 3 minute section of song. Beyond that, however, they can do whatever they want. Each submission will be strung together on May 26 @ the Clinton Street Theatre.
Who is B Media Collective?
BMC is a Portland-based video art collective that uses film to intervene and activate political dialogue.
How do I play?
1) Select or download 1 of 5 potential “grabbags” of video clips
2) Remix to your heart’s content
3) Turn in an exported video before 5 pm on May 24th
4) Show up at the Clinton Street on May 26th to watch your work screened in the finale.
What is in each of the grabbag DVDs?
Each DVD contains a text file of instructions (XXXXX), a section of a song that you will use as your soundtrack (XXXX), and a motly selection of video clips scoured from the interwebs and anals of the most illustrious open source archives (XXXXX). Each one is loosely curated around one of the following themes:
If you’d like a more mind-expanding discussion of what each of these topics entails, click here (XXX)
My DVD spontaneously combusted. Can I download the instructions, the song, and the video clip online?
Yes –here (XXXX).
Are there any guidelines to how I remix it?
Each DVD will provide you with a predetermined first and last clip, a 3 minute section of song to craft your work to, and a wide variety of other videos to mash together. Please do follow those parameters, but beyond that, the world is your oyster. Have fun cutting things up, rearranging them, and (possibly) making something make sense.
I’ve never edited a video before, but I want to play.
If you’ve never edited a video before, you might find this frustrating. You also might realize you’re a video editing rockstar but you never knew it. Give it a shot –you should watch a few of these tutorials on Final Cut (XXXX), Windows Media Player (XXXX), or IMovie (XXXXX). They will give you a basic starting point. You can also post questions on this (XXXXXX) forum if you’re having trouble. You should also carefully follow the text file instructions for how to import the files into your video editing software, and how to export them in the version we’ll need.
I don’t have video editing software, but I want to participate.
You’re in luck! Portland Community Media is providing 3 computers that you can edit on during the festival. They are located at (XXXXXXX).
When do I have to finish it by?
We need at least 48 hours to pull all of the submissions together and turn it into the exquisite corpse that it will be there. You must turn in, email, or upload an exported version of your piece by 5 pm on May 24th.
How do I turn in my piece to you?
The instructions on the DVD packet are here (XXX)
Export it to Apple TV H264. Put on a pen drive and bring to festival, upload to a youtube account and send us a link, or drop it in our dropbox (XXX).
What’s the final product going to look like?
EFFing amazing. B Media has a few tricks up their sleeve, and will curate a final exquisite corpse from the submissions. The final product will be approximately 20 minutes long, and will screen at the Clinton Street Theatre on May 26.
I’m having technical difficulties.
If you’re stumped, click here (XXXX) for more detailed help.