Embed with the US in Honduras

Dawn Paley provides some excellent commentary on the US’s ongoing intervention in Honduras and the continued spin spat out by feckless embedded journalists pushing the Pentagon’s party line. May 6, 2012 Embedded NYT Reporter Boosts US War in Honduras (and why we shouldn’t listen) Today’s edition of the New York Times featured a front page Read more about Embed with the US in Honduras[…]

Supporting Campesino Struggles in Honduras

Implementing their own direct democracy, not just voting for politicians.

Recognizing women, men, and youth as equal leaders, not just constituencies.

Planting crops to feed Hondurans, not just for export.

Campesino Struggles in Honduras Continue

Here is an excellent piece documenting the continuing land struggles faced by so many. Homes, churches, schools, and crops all destroyed as the post-coup government continues to side with wealthy plantation owners over the country’s organized farmers.

Wikileaks and the Empire’s Web with Eva Golinger

The Portland Central American Solidarity Committee (PCASC) presents author and Wikileaks expert Eva Golinger on her U.S. speaking tour. Come hear her expose secrets of U.S. foreign policy about Latin America.

Coup Attempt in Ecuador Is a Result of Sec. Clinton’s Cowardice in Honduras

Oh, crap. Another year, another coup in Latin America. And while today’s attempt by police forces in Ecuador went so far as to fire tear gas at elected president Rafael Correa, the military brass in the South American country have sided with the democratic order – its top general is on TV right now strongly backing the elected government – and this one isn’t likely to go as well for the anti-democracy forces as last year’s did in Honduras.

Cual Independencia–Thousands Take to the Streets in Opposition of the Coup on Honduran Day of Independence

Another update from our friends on the ground: September 15th is the National Independence Day of Honduras. In Teguacigalpa, thousands of FNRP members ( La Frente National Resitencia Popular) filled the street with banners, in a continued presence of solidarity and resistance to the coup. The 2 mile march was energetic with dozens of marching Read more about Cual Independencia–Thousands Take to the Streets in Opposition of the Coup on Honduran Day of Independence[…]