Variety Show, independent media, art,

Revisiting Earth Day, Inc.

About two years ago, B Media Collective finished our third experimental Variety Show. Variety Tree: Earth Day, Inc. travels through a complex ecosystem of media streams, political landscapes and concrete jungles to explore how corporately fueled consumerism has pushed so many into the cracks on the street and that no matter how much Roundup is Read more about Revisiting Earth Day, Inc.[…]

Embed with the US in Honduras

Dawn Paley provides some excellent commentary on the US’s ongoing intervention in Honduras and the continued spin spat out by feckless embedded journalists pushing the Pentagon’s party line. May 6, 2012 Embedded NYT Reporter Boosts US War in Honduras (and why we shouldn’t listen) Today’s edition of the New York Times featured a front page Read more about Embed with the US in Honduras[…]

Smart ALEC: Portland F29 Day of Action

People in over 80 cities across the US participated in creative and direct actions against corporations that benefit from their relation to the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), a shadowy “non-profit” that buddies up state legislators with the biggest business interests in the world. In Portland over a thousand people braved the freezing sideways rain Read more about Smart ALEC: Portland F29 Day of Action[…]

Supporting Campesino Struggles in Honduras

Implementing their own direct democracy, not just voting for politicians.

Recognizing women, men, and youth as equal leaders, not just constituencies.

Planting crops to feed Hondurans, not just for export.

Building Cultural Bridges: Bhutan – Nepal – Portland

Building Cultural Bridges is the culmination of a year-long community project to make a film about the experience of coming to America. Covering the cultural and spiritual realities of transition through community dialogues, interviews with immigration service stakeholders, teachers and volunteers, the film provides insight into the transition to life in Portland, OR. The film was made by youth from the Bhutanese refugee community, and edited in collaboration with members of B media Collective. While the film is made through the culturally specific lens of South Asian refugee immigrants, the issues raised and advice given is relevant to all newcomers to America.

Below is a video short from one of the media trainings conducted through the course of this project: […]

Occupy Portland – Sweeping the Streets (Day 8)

Day 8- First shots of the day talking with an occupier sweeping the streets about why they’re here and what they think we can accomplish. Scenes of the street, the process, and the first arrests that took place this morning of those who maintained our right to occupy Main Street with their bodies. Filmed and Read more about Occupy Portland – Sweeping the Streets (Day 8)[…]