Pictures From Tacoma Regional Rally in Solidarity with Leonard Peltier

On February 4th people from the Pacific Northwest gathered in solidarity with Leonard Peltier, a 30 year political prisoner of the US Federal Penitentiary system, to demand his release. For more info on the event and Leonard’s circumstance visit

Hood River Rising Tide International Day of Action

On April 20th, 2011 Groups around the world commemorated the BP Deep Water Horizon Oil catastrophe with actions calling for an end destructive energy resource extraction. In Hood River, Oregon, members of the community, people from the Northwest and guests from Canada handed a resolution to the City Administration calling for a shipping ban on Read more about Hood River Rising Tide International Day of Action[…]

Cual Independencia–Thousands Take to the Streets in Opposition of the Coup on Honduran Day of Independence

Another update from our friends on the ground: September 15th is the National Independence Day of Honduras. In Teguacigalpa, thousands of FNRP members ( La Frente National Resitencia Popular) filled the street with banners, in a continued presence of solidarity and resistance to the coup. The 2 mile march was energetic with dozens of marching Read more about Cual Independencia–Thousands Take to the Streets in Opposition of the Coup on Honduran Day of Independence[…]

Paramilitaries kill human rights activists in Oaxaca

Jyri Antero Jaakkola (February 11, 1977 – April 27, 2010 Oaxaca, Mexico) was a Finnish human-rights activist. He was on his way to San Juan Copala, a village of Trique indigenous people that has declared itself autonomous, as a human-rights observer when he was shot dead by UBISORT, a paramilitary organization connected to Institutional Revolutionary Party. In the attack died also Alberta Cariño, an activist for the local organization CACTUS, and more than ten people were wounded.