Comandante Hugo Chavez Lives

Since the death of Hugo Chavez, op-eds have been continuing their international mis-communication, while people on the ground have been solidifying their understanding of the revolution. What most outsiders don’t understand about the Bolivarian Revolution, is that it was not about Chavez: while he was fundamental to the revolution, he was most importantly the catalyst Read more about Comandante Hugo Chavez Lives[…]

Supporting Campesino Struggles in Honduras

Implementing their own direct democracy, not just voting for politicians.

Recognizing women, men, and youth as equal leaders, not just constituencies.

Planting crops to feed Hondurans, not just for export.

Amateur Riot — The Anti-Nuke Movement in Japan

An excellent peice from Franklin Lopez. Check out more of his amazing and often incendiary work at Dispatch #2 of Stop the Flows focuses on the burgeoning anti-nuke movement in Japan, following the disaster at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant. Truth be told I had larger plans for this dispatch. But with time Read more about Amateur Riot — The Anti-Nuke Movement in Japan[…]

Blood on the Tracks at Democracy Now!

You’ve probably seen our short piece we did for Brian Willson’s book tour: But here is an hour long interview with him on Democracy Now! that is both harrowing and inspiring (we helped send the B-roll footage to the DN! producers):

Take to the Trees

Fight, love, live and protect. Forest defenders take to the trees under cover of darkness using their bodies to prevent private corporations destroying the few remaining old growth trees for personal (corporate) profit.