Return of People’s Cinema

This Friday marks the triumphant return of B Media’s People’s Cinema, a wildly popular film series that we held three times a week at the Chapman Park occupation during October. People’s Cinema will now be a part of Occupy Portland’s Arts and Entertainment Night in collaboration with OP’s Arts and Entertainment Committee and TUPAC at Read more about Return of People’s Cinema[…]

People Push Police out of Park in Portland

Here is a short movie from the Oregonian– an example of some of their finer reporting (ie no editorial punditry :). Undoubtedly there will be other videos emerging that capture the feeling of what was an incredible night, but until then, check this out: Here are some live feeds of events as they are unfolding: Read more about People Push Police out of Park in Portland[…]

Occupy Anthem?

Spontaneous song performed by the people at Occupy Berlin on October 22nd. English translation of German lyrics: Assamblea worldwide Assamblea, Assamblea, Assamblea mundial I don’t need a boss, no representatives, I don’t need military and no speculators. I see open eyes, open hearts. We share our love, our anger and our pain. Assamblea in schools, Read more about Occupy Anthem?[…]

Occupy Portland – Sweeping the Streets (Day 8)

Day 8- First shots of the day talking with an occupier sweeping the streets about why they’re here and what they think we can accomplish. Scenes of the street, the process, and the first arrests that took place this morning of those who maintained our right to occupy Main Street with their bodies. Filmed and Read more about Occupy Portland – Sweeping the Streets (Day 8)[…]

Occupy Portland: October 6th March of 10,000

Hard to believe it’s only been a week since Occupy Portland started. Since then the Occupy movement has exploded on to the scene all across the country and around the world, giving renewed hope to millions of people for economic justice and direct control over their destinies. Here’s a montage of the march that kicked Read more about Occupy Portland: October 6th March of 10,000[…]

Rose City Rising – Day 3 Occupy Portland

Portland enters its third day of occupation with over 1000 people actively holding space at the Chapman Park Camp in downtown. As preparations for the Portland Marathon continue, many are nervous about being fenced in and locked down from 4am till 4pm tomorrow. Despite fears and lively debate and consensus making in the People’s General Read more about Rose City Rising – Day 3 Occupy Portland[…]