Smart ALEC: Portland F29 Day of Action

People in over 80 cities across the US participated in creative and direct actions against corporations that benefit from their relation to the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), a shadowy “non-profit” that buddies up state legislators with the biggest business interests in the world. In Portland over a thousand people braved the freezing sideways rain Read more about Smart ALEC: Portland F29 Day of Action[…]

Got Smart About ALEC #F29 Day of Action Portland

The world is now smarter about ALEC. Thousands of people in 80+ in the US and many more abroad gathered to shed light on the shadowy American Legislative Exchange Council and their destructive involvement in communities around the world. #F29 marks the most coordinated global occupy action to date.  

Supporting Campesino Struggles in Honduras

Implementing their own direct democracy, not just voting for politicians.

Recognizing women, men, and youth as equal leaders, not just constituencies.

Planting crops to feed Hondurans, not just for export.

Take It To The Streets

Portland’s Fast Rattler brings you the bangin’ new cult classic Occupy anthem “Take It To The Streets”. Words were written in part by Utah Phillips and sung by Bodhi Busick.

David Graeber “Debt: The First 5000 Years” – Alberta Rose Theater

Debt: the first 5000 years is a book by anthropologist and anarchist activist David Graeber published in 2011. Graeber analyzes the function of debt in human history. He traces the history of debt from ancient civilizations to our modern-day economic crises, arguing that debt has often driven revolutions and social and political changes.

Wall Street Occupied with Protests

Watch live streaming video from globalrevolution at Here’s the live video stream from Wall Street in NYC. At this point in time it is difficult to gauge the scope and implications of the occupations, but as the video stream proves, they are indeed happening and it is largely the independent media and social networks Read more about Wall Street Occupied with Protests[…]