Drug War Capitalism Portland Book Launch

PORTLAND NOV 17th @ 5pm: Portland State University, Smith Memorial Student Union (SMSU) 296 – and – NOV 18th 7pm: Reading Frenzy, 3628 N Mississippi Ave Join journalist Dawn Paley on tour with her new AK Press book Drug War Capitalism that explores and exposes many myths and realities of people facing the violence from Read more about Drug War Capitalism Portland Book Launch[…]

David Graeber “Debt: The First 5000 Years” – Alberta Rose Theater

Debt: the first 5000 years is a book by anthropologist and anarchist activist David Graeber published in 2011. Graeber analyzes the function of debt in human history. He traces the history of debt from ancient civilizations to our modern-day economic crises, arguing that debt has often driven revolutions and social and political changes.