Got Smart About ALEC #F29 Day of Action Portland

The world is now smarter about ALEC. Thousands of people in 80+ in the US and many more abroad gathered to shed light on the shadowy American Legislative Exchange Council and their destructive involvement in communities around the world. #F29 marks the most coordinated global occupy action to date.  

People Push Police out of Park in Portland

Here is a short movie from the Oregonian– an example of some of their finer reporting (ie no editorial punditry :). Undoubtedly there will be other videos emerging that capture the feeling of what was an incredible night, but until then, check this out: Here are some live feeds of events as they are unfolding: Read more about People Push Police out of Park in Portland[…]

Coup Attempt in Ecuador Is a Result of Sec. Clinton’s Cowardice in Honduras

Oh, crap. Another year, another coup in Latin America. And while today’s attempt by police forces in Ecuador went so far as to fire tear gas at elected president Rafael Correa, the military brass in the South American country have sided with the democratic order – its top general is on TV right now strongly backing the elected government – and this one isn’t likely to go as well for the anti-democracy forces as last year’s did in Honduras.