B Media community film screening with Jesse Freeston (and friends)

On July 31st B Media teamed up with Canadian video journalist Jesse Freeston and the Portland Central America Solidarity Committee to present an evening of Latin American related short films.  The event took place  at the Community Supported Everything Guildhall on 16th and Alberta and brought out 30-40 social justice film fans for a night Read more about B Media community film screening with Jesse Freeston (and friends)[…]

Comandante Hugo Chavez Lives

Since the death of Hugo Chavez, op-eds have been continuing their international mis-communication, while people on the ground have been solidifying their understanding of the revolution. What most outsiders don’t understand about the Bolivarian Revolution, is that it was not about Chavez: while he was fundamental to the revolution, he was most importantly the catalyst Read more about Comandante Hugo Chavez Lives[…]

march for one oregon bus tour

Reportback: March for One Oregon Immigrant Rights Tour

From March 5th-9th B Media Collective member Tim Rice accompanied the March for One Oregon bus tour through Eastern Oregon, Idaho and Washington, acting as the main videographer documenting the actions along the way and interviewing participants about their reason for being part of the tour. The March for One Oregon was a collaborative effort Read more about Reportback: March for One Oregon Immigrant Rights Tour[…]

Embed with the US in Honduras

Dawn Paley provides some excellent commentary on the US’s ongoing intervention in Honduras and the continued spin spat out by feckless embedded journalists pushing the Pentagon’s party line. May 6, 2012 Embedded NYT Reporter Boosts US War in Honduras (and why we shouldn’t listen) Today’s edition of the New York Times featured a front page Read more about Embed with the US in Honduras[…]

New Video: Undocumented and Unafraid at Tacoma’s Northwest Detention Center

Youth and their allies from around the Pacific Northwest rally outside the Immigration Custom Enforcement (ICE – a federal government organization) privately run, for profit, detention center. The Undocumented and Unafraid youth protested the targeting and criminalizatoin of immigrant communities with racist legislation like the American Legislative Exchange Council’s (ALEC) SB1070 bill in Arizona.

Supporting Campesino Struggles in Honduras

Implementing their own direct democracy, not just voting for politicians.

Recognizing women, men, and youth as equal leaders, not just constituencies.

Planting crops to feed Hondurans, not just for export.

South of the Border, 101: Taught by Professor Gaddis and Oliver Stone. Course Description: watch the movie, listen to me talk, learn a little about some big men (and a woman).

By Amanda Eckerson John Gaddis, world famous Yale historian on the Cold War, has a thing for foreign leaders. A big thing. By the semester’s end of his oh-so-sought-after undergraduate class, his propensity to talk about Mao’s interest in cigar smoking, or Gorbachev’s anxiety about public appearances, leaves students 1) entertained and 2) concluding that Read more about South of the Border, 101: Taught by Professor Gaddis and Oliver Stone. Course Description: watch the movie, listen to me talk, learn a little about some big men (and a woman).[…]