New Video: Symphonic Exquisite Corpse @ EFF Portland 2013

In May B Media was honored to participate in the 2nd Annual Portland Experimental Film Festival, and it was a great success on many fronts. We pulled off our first attempt at curating an open call collaborative film endeavor entitled the Symphonic Exquisite Corpse, which you can view below.

The week of the film festival flew by in a flurry, but we made great connections with other video artists and film makers. We mixed and mingled, saw lots of great films throughout the week, and popped up here and there to hand out exquisite corpse DVD grab bags with instructions on how to participate.

With a one day turn around after the final submission deadline, we edited together over 15 different pieces of work into the final exquisite corpse, a beautiful beast of visual experimentation, which premiered as the final screening at the festival at the Clinton Street Theater. In all, 13 artists submit video art work that we wove into a final 15 minute piece of experimental film.

Many thanks to everyone who helped make it happen, including the Grand Detour festival organizers who worked tirelessly to pull things together a second year on a shoestring budget, Portland Community Media for donating editing laptops to use, all the artists who submitted work, and especially to everyone who packed the theater!

Keep an eye out for what sorts of video shenanigans we have up our sleeve at next years festival, and check out the final piece below: