B Media community film screening with Jesse Freeston (and friends)

On July 31st B Media teamed up with Canadian video journalist Jesse Freeston and the Portland Central America Solidarity Committee to present an evening of Latin American related short films.  The event took place  at the Community Supported Everything Guildhall on 16th and Alberta and brought out 30-40 social justice film fans for a night Read more about B Media community film screening with Jesse Freeston (and friends)[…]

Return of People’s Cinema

This Friday marks the triumphant return of B Media’s People’s Cinema, a wildly popular film series that we held three times a week at the Chapman Park occupation during October. People’s Cinema will now be a part of Occupy Portland’s Arts and Entertainment Night in collaboration with OP’s Arts and Entertainment Committee and TUPAC at Read more about Return of People’s Cinema[…]

Occupy Anthem?

Spontaneous song performed by the people at Occupy Berlin on October 22nd. English translation of German lyrics: Assamblea worldwide Assamblea, Assamblea, Assamblea mundial I don’t need a boss, no representatives, I don’t need military and no speculators. I see open eyes, open hearts. We share our love, our anger and our pain. Assamblea in schools, Read more about Occupy Anthem?[…]

Occupy Portland: October 6th March of 10,000

Hard to believe it’s only been a week since Occupy Portland started. Since then the Occupy movement has exploded on to the scene all across the country and around the world, giving renewed hope to millions of people for economic justice and direct control over their destinies. Here’s a montage of the march that kicked Read more about Occupy Portland: October 6th March of 10,000[…]

Create Abate

Here’s the last of the “singles” from Freedumb Fries. This short covers the recent targeting of graffiti artists and unauthorized murals by Portland’s Graffiti Abatement Department. Featured are members of the ArtsBase, Samo Lives Gallery, director of the Graffiti Abatement Department, and volunteers with the Railyard Gallery, who feel that they were targeted for eviction Read more about Create Abate[…]

People’s Media in the Occupy Movement

A few days ago our radical media comrade the Stimulator did an awesome interview with a member of Globalrevolution.tv, about how that site has played a major role in bringing visibility to the occupation of Wall St with it’s 24 hour live stream of the protests. Vlad T breaks down the directly democratic decision making Read more about People’s Media in the Occupy Movement[…]

Feminism Is For Everybody

We spotlight the opening of the In Other Words lending library, a visionary community effort by the last non-profit feminist bookstore in the country. Also discussed is what In Other Words has meant to the Portland feminist community over the last 18 years, and the meaning of feminism today.

Walk Like An Egyptian: Breaking the Media Blockade

As the Mubarak regime desperately tries to hold back the tide of revolution they have resorted to severely draconian measures such as blocking al-Jazeera’s signal, and shutting down the entire country’s internet system. However people have found ways around the blockade. One of the most inspiring examples was talked about on Democracy Now! What an Read more about Walk Like An Egyptian: Breaking the Media Blockade[…]