B Media community film screening with Jesse Freeston (and friends)

On July 31st B Media teamed up with Canadian video journalist Jesse Freeston and the Portland Central America Solidarity Committee to present an evening of Latin American related short films.  The event took place  at the Community Supported Everything Guildhall on 16th and Alberta and brought out 30-40 social justice film fans for a night Read more about B Media community film screening with Jesse Freeston (and friends)[…]

Immigrant rights tour

New Video: Aqui Estamos y No Nos Vamos

Our latest short film documenting the March for One Oregon immigrant rights bus tour that took place March 5-9th of 2013. The tour was a partnership between the Rural Organizing Project, CAUSA, United Farm Workers, the PCUN migrant farm worker union, and other local organizations. The tour aimed at mobilizing Latino populations and their allies Read more about New Video: Aqui Estamos y No Nos Vamos[…]

US Social Forum Report Back


Find out what’s been going on in Detroit, ground zero of the US economic fallout. Expect an evening of music, movies, photography and discussion with friends from Seattle, Olympia and Portland who participated in the US Social Forum.

Northwest Solidarity Conference

B Media was part of the first Northwest Solidarity Conference this weekend. The conference was held at Evergreen State College in Olympia, Washington, and had over 80 participants from the Northwest and Canada. Keynote speakers included Carlos Martinez of “Venezuela Speaks,” Jesse Freeston of The Real News Network. In addition to teach ins on topics Read more about Northwest Solidarity Conference[…]